Dr. Michelle Fitzpatrick, Chiropractor

12 May 2024

Welcome to the wild world of motherhood – where sleep is a luxury, and your once-pristine living room is now a playground of baby toys and mysterious stains. If you've recently joined the ranks of exhausted but proud moms, you're not alone. In fact, your body and your baby's might be sending signals that a visit to our wellness clinic is long overdue.

Let's talk about the postnatal period – that magical time when sleep becomes a distant memory, and your superhero cape is permanently stained with baby formula. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, but it's also a time when your body has gone through the incredible feat of bringing life into the world. Kudos, mum!

But, let's be real – childbirth is no walk in the park. That's where I come in. As a Chiropractor with a passion for paediatrics, I'm here to help you and your little one navigate the aftermath of the birthing battlefield. From that adorable but questionable flat spot on your baby's head to the never-ending struggle of feeding time, I've got you covered.

If you're questioning whether your baby is hitting those milestones or if they're just having a bad day, fret not. I provide a thorough assessment and gentle treatment options for a range of conditions. Together, let's navigate this rollercoaster with laughter, support, and a spine that's aligned for both mum and bub. After all, who said chiropractic care can't be as entertaining as a nursery rhyme?


Our wellness clinic also offers a variety of services to make this chaotic period a bit more manageable. Picture yourself and your mini-me engaging in giggly reformer Pilates sessions at our sister clinic in Guildford – because who said working out can't be a bonding experience?

At Manna Wellness, we understand that the postnatal journey isn't always rainbows and lullabies. If you find yourself struggling with the baby blues or navigating the stormy seas of postnatal depression, we've got an extra layer of support. Our resident psychologists are here to lend a compassionate ear and provide guidance through the challenging moments.

Because let's face it, motherhood comes with its share of highs and lows. From the giggles and first smiles to the sleepless nights and overwhelming doubts, we're here for you. My approach to chiropractic care isn't just about physical health; it's about nurturing your mental and emotional well-being too. Because every superhero mum deserves a wellness squad that's as fierce as she is.
